Kimberley Process Working Group on Monitoring (WGM)
Public Summary record of the Working Group Teleconference of 4 April 2012

Participants: Australia, Botswana, Canada, Democratic Republic of Congo, European Union, India, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, World Diamond Council (WDC), Civil Society Coalition, as well as the UN Group of Experts on Côte d'Ivoire.

The WGM reviewed the state of implementation of the Kinshasa Decision on Marange (Zimbabwe) and agreed to hold a subsequent teleconference upon presentation of the quarterly report by the KP Monitoring team. The WGM discussed KPCS implementation in Côte d'Ivoire and West Africa, including the U.S. Geological Survey conduct of a field assessment of artisanal mining in Guinea in 2012. The WGM agreed to consider further plans to enhance cooperation on enforcement, with regards to information sharing on fraudulent certificates and cooperation with World Customs Organization, including possible adjustments to the Administrative Decision. Finally, in light of the on-going work of the Committee on KPCS Review, the WGM agreed to initiate a process of reflection on its respective area of competence, specifically compliance monitoring.

Kimberley Process Working Group on Statistics (WGS)
Summary Record of WGS Teleconference held on 8 March 2012

Participants: Botswana, Canada, EU, South Africa, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States of America.

The WGS discussed its role in the implementation of the Administrative Decision on Import Confirmation. The WGS Chair stated that an email had been sent to the KP Chair regarding the statistical compliance of participants missing trade, production, or certificate count data. The WGS Chair is working with the WGM to prepare the 2011 Statistical Analysis allocation list. WGS members continue to develop the Pilot Data Anomaly Questionnaire, to be shortly released.

Kimberley Process Working Group on Statistics (WGS)
Summary Record of WGS Teleconference held on 12 April 2012

Participants: Botswana, Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, EU, India, United Arab Emirates, United States of America.

The WGS Chair stated that an email had been sent to the KP Chair regarding the statistical compliance of participants missing trade, production, or certificate count data. The WGS has sent out the majority of Data Anomaly Questionnaires. Results and further steps will be discussed at the Intersessional Meeting in June.